Friday, November 23, 2012

And my blogging career has come to the end...

I observed the Micro Aquarium November 14 from 11:30-12:30 EST and my goodness. Where has everyone gone?!? My first point of prominence is the food pellet, I love all the activity around this area. This time I was disappointed as the activity had severally decrease. Just the week before it was absolutely crazy with activity and now it was very slow as the life began to dissipate. The other thing I really noticed was the increased size of the annelids.  As Dr. McFarland explained it to me this is due to them using the other organisms to survive. Another item I was looking forward was possibly seeing skeletons for some of the deceased, but after some searching none were to be found. It is amazing to me the level of activity as the weeks transpired and now to see fewer living organisms. It really shows hoe a mini ecosystem can boom with the introducing of food and bust will no food source. Honestly I was not looking forward to this little experiment but after seeing it I was truly blown away!

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